Which P2P lending marketplace is most likely to replace Mintos? Is it Bondster, with the coming new liquid product and despite or because of old and new lenders problems?
Strengthened from the past to dominate the future? We were able to discuss this question and much more, with the Mintos alternative Bondster, in person at Invest 2022 in Stuttgart in our panel Bondster a Mintos Alternative.
You don’t know Bondster yet?
Bondster is a P2P investment platform from the Czech Republic. The P2P lending site has paid out more than €4,6 million in interest to 15,300 investors since 2017.
When you invest in loans on Bondster, you can earn an average of 14.% interest per year.
Bondster Highlights: then let’s hear what the Bondster CEO had to say
Pavel explains why Bondster is a Mintos alternative
A lot is happening at Bondster right now and, as is so often the case, we investors don’t always get to hear about it. That’s why we took the time to talk to Pavel Klema, the Bondster CEO, personally about the most important topics.
Unlike Peerberry, the Bondster communication is rather modest when it comes to Russian loans. Why is that?
And then there’s the unfinished business with a couple of Polish lenders.
We notice that Pavel’s speciality was the collection of outstanding debts. There is still a lot of movement in all respects, and I am confident that some things will come back. However, it will take many months rather than a few weeks, Pavel explained to us.
But then there is also an outlook on the future, and we learn about a new product that is also supposed to offer high liquidity. It reminded me a little of Bondora Go&Grow, but let’s wait and see.
I hope you are curious enough now? Then just listen to the interview with Pavel:
I myself, of course, am also invested in Bondster. And will remain so. After the interview, I am of course curious about the new product and how Bondster will develop further.My Bondster experiences so far have been mostly positive. If you also want to invest in Bondster, it’s best to use my Bondster affiliate link, then you’ll receive 1% cashback for all investments made in the first 90 days, which is well worth it.
Join Bondster and get 1% cashback for 90 days!
The interview was conducted as part of a German podcast
Investments in P2P loans, ETFs, shares, start-ups and cryptos are subject to high risk!
Please note my disclaimer. I do not provide any investment advice and do not make any recommendations. I am invested myself on almost all P2P, crowdfunding and cryptolending platforms I report on. All information is provided without guarantee. Past developments are no indicator for future developments! Links(*) to platforms are usually affiliate links, where you often benefit and I receive a small commission.
Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 14. Juli 2022
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